ACI 28th Annual Conference on Drug & Medical Device Litigation

John H. Beisner

On December 5-6, Washington, D.C. mass torts, insurance and consumer litigation practice head John Beisner and New York partner Jessica Davidson spoke on various panels during ACI’s 28th Annual Conference on Drug & Medical Device Litigation.

On December 5, Mr. Beisner spoke on the panel “Examining How Proposed New Rule 16.1 Will Transform the Future of MDL Case Management,” which assessed newly proposed FRCP 16.1 and the status of its approval and how the new rule will impact early case management procedures in MDLs, among other important considerations for the new regulations.

On December 6, Ms. Davidson participated in the session “Crafting Successful Jurisdiction, Standing and Preemption Arguments at the Motion To Dismiss Stage.” The speakers explored how to identify primary jurisdiction and standing arguments; the jurisdiction challenges most prevalent in drug and device product liability class actions, and how to manage and overcome them; and takeaways from the latest preemption rulings.