GCR Live 6th Annual New York Conference

Frederic Depoortere David P. Wales

Brussels antitrust/competition partner Frederic Depoortere and Washington, D.C. antitrust/competition partner David Wales spoke at Global Competition Review’s GCR Live 6th Annual New York Conference on June 7.

Mr. Depoortere participated in a panel discussion titled “Innovation in Merger Analysis,” which focused on whether combinations of R&D efforts inhibit or foster innovation, how to make that determination in the absence of clear metrics for measuring market power in innovation, and how to balance efficiencies against these innovation concerns, among other topics.

Mr. Wales moderated a panel discussion — “Remedies in Vertical Deals: Are We Going to Have Divergence?” — that focused on the Federal Trade Commission’s finding that its remedies addressing vertical mergers have achieved their remedial goals, the U.S. Department of Justice’s challenge to the AT&T/Time Warner transaction, the future of vertical deal analysis and remedies, and the potential for divergence between the Department of Justice and EU.