National Retail Federation and Restaurant Law Center Advocate for Fairness in AAA’s Proposed Rule Changes Impacting Mass Arbitrations

Michael W. McTigue Jr. Meredith C. Slawe Kurt Wm. Hemr Shaud G. Tavakoli Colm P. McInerney

Skadden represented the National Retail Federation (NRF) and the Restaurant Law Center in the submission of two sets of formal comments to the American Arbitration Association (AAA) in connection with the AAA’s Request for Public Comment on proposed rules changes. These changes would have implications for mass arbitrations before the AAA. The comments provide feedback on the proposed rules changes and suggest modifications that the NRF and Restaurant Law Center believe would ensure fundamental fairness to all parties. In addition, the comments share the NRF’s and Restaurant Law Center’s concerns about the impact of mass arbitration on businesses (including retailers and restaurants) and their customers, and they encourage the AAA to take additional steps to address improper tactics by the plaintiffs’ bar.

Read the comments submitted by the National Retail Federation and the comments submitted by the Restaurant Law Center.

The Skadden team was led by Michael McTigue, Meredith Slawe and Kurt Hemr and included Shaud Tavakoli and Colm McInerney.