Los Angeles Hosts First Seminar for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Medical Device Companies

John T. Bentivoglio Jack P. DiCanio Matthew E. Sloan Peter B. Morrison Brian J. McCarthy

Skadden's Los Angeles office held a Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Medical Device Seminar on June 6 in Costa Mesa, Calif. The seminar featured a DOJ enforcement update by Washington, D.C. partners John Bentivoglio and Jennifer Bragg, a discussion on litigating FCA cases by Los Angeles partners Jack DiCanio and Matt Sloan, a review of securities litigation developments by Los Angeles partners Peter Morrison and Eric Waxman, and a discussion about activist shareholders by Los Angeles partners Rod Guerra and Brian McCarthy. After the presentations, Brian moderated a panel discussion with in-house counsel from Sequenom, Inc. and Avanir Pharmaceuticals, Inc.