Corporate League Tables

Skadden ranked first in M&A by dollar value of deals globally and in the United States — representing both principals and in any advisory role — according to year-end rankings from both Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters (January 2010). The firm's lawyers advised on six of the top 10 (and three of the top five) announced U.S. transactions in 2009, according to Thomson Reuters.

In the United States, Skadden ranked first by value of M&A deals in the financial services sector and second in the health care sector.

In Bloomberg's capital markets league table, Skadden ranked first, by deal count, and second, by value, in representing issuers of U.S. IPOs. The firm also ranked in the top 10 for:

  • Global equity, equity-linked, and rights offerings (issuer's counsel)
  • Global equity IPOs (issuer's and manager's counsel)
  • Global bonds (issuer's counsel)
  • U.S. equity offerings (issuer's and manager's counsel)
  • U.S. equity-linked offerings (manager's counsel)
  • U.S. corporates (issuer's counsel)
  • U.S. investment grade debt (issuer's counsel)
  • U.S. high-yield debt (issuer's and manager's counsel)
  • U.S. preferred (manager's counsel)

Skadden ranked first by number of deals among legal advisers on M&A transactions in the energy and insurance sectors in SNL Financial's 2009 year-end rankings.